Monday, October 7, 2024

About founders and foundations (to be continued)

 About founders and foundations

Founders are more competent than developers because founders

are visionary.

Founders can be seen as instruments of the Providence.

I am founding a recovery of multi-disciplinarity (philosophy,

ùathematics, phusics, biophysics, statistics and quality management).

People who end up as managers are not taught enough 

management during their studies.

More about founders

The behavior of a founder has some sobriety.

From Chat GPT :  

"In a broader sense, sobriety can also refer to seriousness, a level-headed or thoughtful demeanor, and a sense of moderation or balance in one’s behavior and actions.'

Followers of foubders are not an audience for demagoguery.

From Chat GPT ;

"Demagoguery often involves simplistic promises, scapegoating of certain groups, and an emphasis on emotional rather than logical arguments."

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Will be with continuation

 Beyond capitalism

Beyond capitalism is the resolution of problems by analysis of causes of total quality


Knowledge is presently  not connexe and not compact enough.

There are not enough bridges between disciplines.

A problem is the low intellectual level of people.

We live a dark age and the proof is that the proof of Fermat for his Last Theorem

is not known.


About Fermat

We live a dark age and the proof is that the proof of Fermat for his Last Theorem

is not known.

Galileo was persecuted by the Church and Fermat did not want the same thing

for him so he did not insist on his proof being true where some infinite

did not exist.

Nowadays people are not smart enough to understand the proof so they

do not have any opinion.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

to be continued

 About one more part of a philosophy

Nowadays there are a lot of problems

because people use much their bodies

and not much their minds.

People do not use much their minds

because of the anti-intellectualism

present everywhere.

Other problems are bureaucratic behavior

and extreme specialization.

Once more about a philosophy

To find less means for the same results,

shortcuts could be used and total quality

management is a shortcut to development.

Economical liberalism is good because civil

servants are not competent enough.

Academic people should try to know

problems of companies and administrations.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

summary of part of a philosophy

Summary of part of a philosophy

Thoughts are mathematical waves.

Spiritual energy produces thoughts.

Spiritual energy is related to mathematics.

Afterlife exists.

The Good in the non physical sky provides 

spiritual energy.

The Good provides the spiritual energy necessary

for reaching the afterlife.

Evil people remain confined after their deaths.

A fate is something vague not excluding choices.

Summary of another part of a philosophyThe solution of the problem of climate change isto get rid of the drunkenness of consuming bymore self control and also to use less means forproducing.A deepened thinking will find how to reduce meansused to satisfy needs.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

About paths of the Providence by Adib Ben Jebara

About paths of the Providence

Paths of the Providence are paths which solve problems.

Paths of the Providence have detours and not only straight lines

because God is not all powerfulness.

Paths are on grounds which are grounds of Mattter and therefore

grounds for Evil.

Texts with high density of meanings hint at what could be new

paths of the Povidence.

Thinking about foundations of theories enables to find new paths

of the Providence.

An example of paths of the Providence are quite new theories

in mathematics and physics.

Multi-disciplinarrity helps to find paths of the Providence.

A xommunity may go into paths of the Providence and then out

of them for wrong paths.

A job only for earning money is not a path of the Providence.

Some people like blah blah and not insights, they are the people

not well educated but on the stage.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

About intellectuals

About intellectuals

In the world there are about 7 millions intellectuals because about 1 person
over 1000 persons is able to write a dissertation even if not doing it.
Intellectuals can solve problems by the analysis of causes and therefore
challenge under-development.
Inellectuals in administrations can advise private sectors.
Intellectuals can find how to save energy or water and even how to

satisfy needs with less means. 

To satisfy needs with less means would solve the probleme of climate
Intellectuals are not numerous because there is much anti-intellectualism.
Even in the United States, there is a lot of anti-intellectualism.
The percentage of intellectuals without ethics is not very important.

With intellectuals solving old problems, there will be less anti-intellectualism
in the future.
It takes years for an intellectual to become multi-disciplinary.
Quality of activities is often missing and that has tto be pointed out.
Competence is a criterion not given enough importance.
There is an academic part to competence.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

About people who do not value what is valueable by Adib Ben Jebara

About people who do not value what is valuable

There should not be refusal of a job because of overqualification.
Peoople should not leave to their children the concern of learning
a lot of things but have the concern themselves.

People do not value  intellectual level because researchers
were not creative ennough to solve great problems since
60 years ago.
Not to use a lot of formalism is something valuable and 
not valued.

In mathematics, we learn not to use a lot of means for the proofs.
In any business management, we have to look for results
without using a lot of means for less problems.

Less complicated procedures reduce costs.
People have to value looking for less complicated procedures.
Cost effectiveness and time effectiveness are good goals.