Monday, October 7, 2024

About founders and foundations (to be continued)

 About founders and foundations

Founders are more competent than developers because founders

are visionary.

Founders can be seen as instruments of the Providence.

I am founding a recovery of multi-disciplinarity (philosophy,

ùathematics, phusics, biophysics, statistics and quality management).

People who end up as managers are not taught enough 

management during their studies.

More about founders

The behavior of a founder has some sobriety.

From Chat GPT :  

"In a broader sense, sobriety can also refer to seriousness, a level-headed or thoughtful demeanor, and a sense of moderation or balance in one’s behavior and actions.'

Followers of foubders are not an audience for demagoguery.

From Chat GPT ;

"Demagoguery often involves simplistic promises, scapegoating of certain groups, and an emphasis on emotional rather than logical arguments."

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